Sparky(my husband who refuses to be named in my blog) and I always joke about how we would spend (notice I didn't say SAVE) a million dollars. This money of course, would come from winning the lottery . (teaching is NOT going to make us rich) As we rattle off our list of luxuries we would buy, giving to a church and charity comes up, but usually as an after our "toys". Tonight as I watch, Secret Millionaire on ABC, my selfishness became very apparent to me. Now I'm not gonna lie, I would FOR SURE splurge, but I also feel like giving money to help others would be very rewarding. I am also reminded that giving money is not the ONLY way to help others. I have been meaning to find an organization to volunteer for and there is no time like the present!
So here's to paying it forward!
P.S. The show Secret Millionaire is really good.
Just Peachy
12 years ago
I love my little philanthropist.